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Monday, March 26, 2012

Class Registration

Class Registration
by Kestra White
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


As we all know there comes a time for class registration. If you're a senior you don't have to do it but for Sophomores and Juniors have to.

At the beginning of each year before school starts, almost all the students here at  Dixie high come in for class changes. The most popular classes that get signed up for are Graphic Arts and Social dance.

Sometimes if you want to make class changes its $5 and the reason why is that its a district policy and hopefully it makes students want to make changes to their schedules before school starts

"Not that it always works but it is still good," was Mrs. Bowler's reply to that policy. Make sure you make your decision on a class you want and stick with it.

If you want to change your schedule go the week before school starts so you don't have to spend $5 just to change your classes around.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Snowboarding vs Skiing

Snowboarding vs Skiing
by Tyler Johnson
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


When it's cold and snowy on the mountains there are only a few things to do for fun. Two of those things are snowboarding and skiing.

These popular sports are not only good for a heated competition, but for casual fun as well.

Many may wonder if one is actually better than the other or if one takes more skill.

Skiing is swift and made for ice and bumps while snowboarding is more for powder and tricks. The two can be seen as different when in fact they are very similar.

Some say that it would be better to start off skiing because it is easier to get used to higher speeds and the poles can make it feel more comfortable. It is also easier when it comes to feet control, since one foot controls each ski.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Drowsy Chaperone

Why Prom was Moved

Why Prom was Moved
by Heidi Harris
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


Dances are the fun memories we make in high school which we will remember in our future. Emma Pasley, a senior on the Executive Council, agrees that dances are to be remembered, "Once you have a theme its purely studying different ideas, designs, projects; anything
that will make a dance memorable."

Prom being moved mostly deals with state basketball and state band. Mrs. Stucki, the advisor over the exec council, says that since so many people will be gone then there wouldn't be a lot of people at the dance.

Changing the date doesn't really affect the other dances though, "El Cheapo is really easy to plan. All you do is pick something cheap to wear to the dance and you are set. D-day dance is free so it's really easy to plan too," said Chance Aiken, student body president.

Most people agreed it would be better to change the date since some would be gone the same weekend. Planning the dances is a big part. In planning you have to find a place for the dance, decorations if needed, and then the tickets.

Junior Week

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pep Band

Pep Band

From the Pep Band

From the Pep Band
by Sara Jewkes
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog
Flyer Flash Column


You see them at basketball and football games every home game. Being in pep band is one of the biggest things the band does all school year. The pep band is probably the most spirited at every game compared to the other students, in my opinion. I have been in the Dixie High band since my sophomore year and every year gets better with more school spirit and different songs.

My sophomore year was awesome because the football team made it to state up at the University of Utah and the band got to go and play with them! That is probably on of my favorite memories of being in band.

At the first football home game of this year, I remember a lot of the boys and some of the girls painted their face and arms to show the other school how much spirit we have.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finance in High School

Finance in High School
by Sara Jewkes
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


One of the advantages to being a high school student is the ability to tailor one’s schedule and activities to his or her own likes. But with this advantage comes a cost. Every student has to pay fees.
If a student wants to graduate they have to pay all of the fees fully. School fees are one of the last things students think about until it gets closer to May and graduation. 

There is a poster by the finance office telling how much all the classes owe for fees and it adds up to about $55,000. That is a lot and that happens every year.
Finance secretary, Mrs. Harris said that some of the students get into the bind because they don’t follow the correct procedures. “There are a small percentage of students that don’t fully pay their fees because they don’t follow the check out process.”

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Night with The Drowsy Chaperone

A Night with The Drowsy Chaperone
by Kestra White
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


"Take me to the cat in pajamas!" said the character Adolfo played by Nate Myers. Every time that character came on stage and said that line, I couldn't stop laughing especially when he said "Whaat?"
The cast did a terrific job at portraying each of the characters. Tanner Hafen, who played the man in the chair, gave of each individual character, with silly side comments here and there that really made the audience laugh hysterically.
Also, there were two gangsters pretending to be cooks played by Michael Graf and Austin Hodges. These two characters had crazy ways to use the types of food into their lines like when Michael's character says, "I hope we are éclair," after he said that, it made me laugh.
The drowsy chaperone was played by Janae Klumpp and she was very convincing trying to portray a character that drinks a lot.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Sports Fever

Spring Sports Fever
by Brandy Kraiprai & Stefani Johannsen
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


Spring break isn’t the only thing occupying most of Dixie High School’s students' minds. Besides the fact that the quarters almost over, the air is starting to heat up, which means it’s the perfect time start getting ready for the spring sports that will be starting soon.
It’s the time of the year where soccer balls are being passed on the field, bats are being swung, rackets are being used on the tennis court, and the track isn’t looking so lonely anymore. Spring won’t be a very boring time of year since there’s gonna be so many sports to look forward to during the last couple months of school.
Soccer can be challenging, especially when it comes to the other schools we have to go up against said Cutter David, a sophomore. “Especially when it’s semi-finals, those are the hardest teams,”  he went on to say about who the hardest school to beat is, which happens to be all of the ones that get to semi-finals. He pours his heart into the field when he’s on it, giving it his best.

Principal's Corner: March 2012

March 2012

Spring is Here!!!

Wow time is flying by. I can’t believe another school year is almost over. I’m sure you kids are saying it is dragging, but wait until you get out of High School, then you will realize that time just flies by.

Spring sports are starting and I hope everyone is involved in something. Please look around and make sure your friends are involved. It is soooo important that everyone is doing something productive.

We have two big baseball tourney’s coming up along with a big softball tourney. Our boys soccer team is off and kicking. Track has a lot of kids running, and throwing, along with boys tennis volleying. Our girl’s golf team is in full swing, so be sure and support all your fellow classmates on their endeavors in these sports.

One bigger thing in this last quarter is your end of level tests. Kids, please, please, prepare yourself for these tests. This reflects upon you and your school. Your teachers are working hard to get you prepared and if you do your part we can all be successful.

So, to wrap up, get involved and make the last nine weeks of your school year fun, successful, and create as many good memories as you can. Oh, I almost forgot, Boys don’t forget to ask all the wonderful Dixie girls out to the last dances coming up, Junior Prom, El-Cheapo, and D-day dance. These are three great memories ready to be created.

Go Flyers!!!

Mr. Michael Black Bair

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Going Deeper into Rebound

Going Deeper into Rebound
by Tristan Cowles
Staff Writer, The Dixie Blog


For some students it means extra time for lunch, but for some it means heading back to the classroom for an extra 20 minutes. For this reason, students either love or hate Rebound.

Rebound is a program that is continually changing to better fit students’ needs, and is continually reviewed for how effective it is.

Last year, school got out 20 minutes early on Mondays to allow students to meet with teachers and attend the Rebound program for all core classes.

Now lunch is extended an extra 15 minutes and Rebound is during that extra time four days a week. Each day is for the four different core classes. 

Rebound used to be Monday-Thursday, but has recently changed to Tuesday-Friday to better accommodate students after the Administration saw a boost in attendance when held on Fridays.

Senior Tim Mendez likes the new changes to the Rebound system,“ I like it better during lunch so i don’t have to worry about it after school.”

The weeks Rebound are chosen for have been random and inconsistent.

Mr. Bergeson said one of the reasons was available funding, “When we have rebound the teachers have to get paid for the extra time they put in, and the school can only afford so many weeks.”
